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    Who is the Breakfast Guy?

    'The Breakfast Guy' originally referred to an Individual, being Breakfast Shirts co-founder Mark Crotti. Although the intention of 'the breakfast guy' has always been for it to be a name accepted and used by the broader Breakfast Shirts Community (BSC). The Breakfast Guy is simply someone who is known for their 'eating out at cafes' breakfast habits. Usually a 'Breakfast Guy' has his or hers own Locality (an area/suburb where they claim the 'Breakfast Guy' title due to their Local Breakfast Knowledge (LBK) and being known in the region as a Breakfast Weapon (BW). The OG Breakfast Guys locality is the greater Sydney, although it's ever growing. There's too many great Cafes in Australia to limit yourself to one city!

    Below you will see some maps featuring the local 'Breakfast Guy' of certain areas. if you think you are the Breakfast guy of your locality then let us know.

    Tag us at @breakfastshirtss and claim your locality.